
Elisa's office is a place to share ideas!

From Santos

to the whole world!


Claudio Azevedo has done it again!


And Thank God he´s done it! He created a new blog full of topics based on movies. Great warm-up site.

Keep up the great work Claudio



Wonderful site full of great videos that you can use as listening activities with your advanced students!

Past perfect


Here´s a class plan for intermediate students who need to review the past perfect. 
Start by asking them to list some reason that would make them kill another person.
Compare the answers and ask them to rank the following crimes:

1-     A person who was DUI kills a passerby.
2-     A thief breaks into a house and kills the person who lives there.
3-     A woman who was going to be raped ends up killing the aggressor.

All of these crimes involve killing, but are they the same?
What would be the sentence for each one? (if you have a big class you can try to role play a trial)

After the discussion is over move on to this wonderful class plan developed by Claudio Azevedo:

As homework ask the students to read the following text on Oprah´s website:

Enjoy it!

PS: If your students enjoy literature you can use a summary of Crime and Punishment to enrich the topic: http://members.tripod.com/~JBond_007_4/index-3.html